We firmly believe we can only step up to future challenges and continue to deliver value for all by having an ethical, upright company
“Since 1962 we have been developing our activity in keeping with the values of commitment, honesty and the desire to excel that marked the company's foundation. It is the only way our family understands doing business and we have endeavoured to convey this to all the stakeholders that have partnered with us over these six-plus decades.”
Raúl Díaz-Varela. Executive Vice President, Grupo Indukern
Code of Ethics & Ethics Channel
Our Group remains loyal to the values that have always characterised us. We express this commitment in the Code of Ethics that guides the behaviour of our companie's employees in their daily activity and in relations with customers, suppliers, public and private institutions and society at large.
We also have a confidential Ethics Channel, our internal whistleblower information and defence system to report situations that breach our Code of Ethics.